President Ruto Addresses Nation Amidst Protests and Allegations


By Baraka Simba

In a nationally broadcasted address as part of the #presidentialRoundtable, President William Ruto responded to recent protests and incidents of violence, asserting that he bears no responsibility for the bloodshed that has marred the demonstrations over the finance bill.

Addressing the nation, President Ruto distanced himself from the killings that occurred during the protests, attributing them to criminal elements among what he described as initially peaceful demonstrators. Notably, he expressed sorrow over the tragic death of a 12-year-old child, allegedly shot by police using live ammunition.

“I am deeply saddened by the loss of this young life. As President, I am committed to ensuring the mother of this child and all Kenyans affected receive a full explanation and justice,” President Ruto stated solemnly during his address.

Acknowledging his previous promises to end extrajudicial killings, President Ruto assured the public that the police have detailed explanations for their actions during the unrest. He defended the use of force by asserting that an independent police service is obligated to respond robustly to criminal activities that arise during protests, including resorting to rubber bullets and, in some cases, live ammunition.

“I assure every parent in this country that I empathize deeply, having children of my own. The police have documented every incident and have valid justifications for their actions,” President Ruto affirmed, seeking to reassure the public amid mounting concerns.

President Ruto also criticized human rights organizations for allegedly misrepresenting facts regarding the number of casualties during the protests. He cited a BBC investigation that purportedly debunked claims of a massacre in Githurai, asserting that only one person had been fatally shot by the police, contrary to reports of higher casualties from other sources.

“Organizations spreading false information claim there was a massacre when, in reality, independent verification shows otherwise,” President Ruto emphasized, challenging the credibility of the casualty figures reported by these groups.

The nation awaits further clarity from the ongoing #presidentialRoundtable discussions, with many Kenyans seeking transparent and accountable answers regarding the recent unrest and the government’s response.

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