Ziwa Technical Training Institute Celebrates Inaugural Graduation Ceremony


Ziwa Technical Training Institute marked it’s first graduation ceremony with Pomp and Colour .

The graduation saw 1450 students graduate in different fields.

Ziwa Technical Training Institute Chief Principal Joseph Mibei congratulated the 1450 graduanta for the job well done

“From our admistrarion and faculty to our students and their families each od you has played a crucial role on achieving this historic moment. Congratulations, ” he noted.

” To our dedicated staff we express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering commitment to nurturing talent and fostering academic excellence.To graduands today’s marks the start of a new beginning, the knowledge and skills gained here will be the foundation which you build your future, ” he said.

The Chief Principal noted that since the school was started by president William Ruto in 2014 it has seen remarkable growth.

” At start we had only 14 students at it’s inception at the former Ziwa Secondary School location, we have grown to over two thousands students and expanded fronone department to seven, ” he noted.

He says the seven departments include mechanical and Automotive engineering, Electrical and Electronics engineering, building and civil engineering, Agriculture and environment studies, Hospitality and Institutional Management, computing and informatics and Businesses studies and entrepreneurship.

The Chief principal noted that Ziwa TTI is currently undergoing significant development projects to enhance it’s capacity and Improve their learning environment.

” The administration and ICT block remain incomplete due to lack of funds and we appeal to the Ministry and our development partners be and sponsors for support, ” he said.

He says the construction of the main gate is underway thanks to the area MP David Kiplagat efforts which will improve the institutions image .

“This projects are part of our broader vision to provide state of art facilities for our students and staff, however the our growth is limited by our current land acreage therefore need to acquire additional land, ” said the Ziwa TTI Chief principal.

He says the institution is also focused on upgrading the training equipments to align with the implementation of competency -Based Education and Training (CBET) programs .

“Departments such as Building and Civil engineering, mechanic and automotive engineering and the electrical department are set for significant upgrades.

Soy Member of Parliament David Kiplagat who also graced the occasion said Technical and Vocational education is key to development and socio-economic progress.

“I can emphasize enough the importance of technical training especially for our young people as a great channel to job opportunities. We continue to channel resources into our TVETs and I encourage my constituents to enroll to acquire valuable skills for the job market,” said the area MP.

Uasin Gishu governor Jonathan Bii said the current job market is increasingly dependent on technical skills, reflecting its dynamic nature.

“By focusing on hands-on learning and real-world applications, our progressive technical institutions are key and effectively continue to equip our vibrant youth with skills for specific professions,” he noted .

Principal Secretary, State Department for Technical Vocational Education and Training Dr Esther Muoria who was the Chief guest says TVET has emerged as pathway to economic empowernment, social mobility, and sustainable development.

TVET plays an important role in implementing sustainable development goals since it eaious individuals na with skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Show said that the government has championed skills development through the introduction of Competency Based Curriculum which is designed and assessed by the Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council .

“The government has hired 1300 trainers on Public Service, this marks a significant step forward in our commitment to enhancing the quality tht quality of TVET across the Nation.

She further revealed that the government has distributed equipments for enhancing the quality of learning and ensure that institutions are in the forefront of innovation and excellence.

” By mordernizing our facilities and laboratories we empower educators to deliver practicals, hands on instruction that prepares students for for challenges and opportunity for the job market in tht 21st century, ” she said .

The PS noted that the Ministry of Education has come up with a new model of funding this will ensure that all education institutions receive adequate resources to do deliver High quality education and training.

” This model will promote fairness, transparency and efficiency in tht allocation of resources to educational institutions since each institution had unique challenges and needs, ” she noted

Ziwa TTI was also celebrated 10 years of excellence training since inception a great journey in training.

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