ODM Condemns Government’s Response Amid Anti-Government Protests


The Orange Democratic Party (ODM), led by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, has strongly criticized the government’s handling of recent anti-government protests, denouncing what it describes as excessive use of force and arbitrary arrests by the police.

In a press briefing held today, ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna delivered a poignant statement titled ‘This Kenyan’s Last Best Chance,’ expressing grave concern over the escalating violence and repression witnessed during the demonstrations. “We are acutely aware that many families are still mourning having lost their loved ones with civil society groups estimating that over 30 young Kenyans fell to regime bullets in the streets protests,” remarked Sifuna, extending heartfelt condolences to the affected families.

Sifuna highlighted the resilience of the youth, particularly Generation Z, who have been at the forefront of demanding reforms. “We are in awe of the Kenyan youths who, through unity of purpose, have stood with their fallen colleagues and raised funds in record time to cover hospital bills for the injured. You have earned our utmost respect,” he acknowledged.

The party further condemned the reported cases of abduction and brutality by security forces, emphasizing the need for accountability and justice. “It is lamentable that no one in the government has taken responsibility for the violent crackdown on peaceful protesters or offered apologies to the Kenyan people,” Sifuna stated unequivocally.

“In our view, no one should lose their life exercising their rights under Article 37. We strongly condemn the ongoing arbitrary abductions of innocent Kenyans,” he continued, underscoring ODM’s commitment to defending civil liberties and demanding accountability from those in power.

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