Opposition Grows Against SRC Salary Increment Proposal


The recent announcement by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) regarding a proposed salary increase for public servants has sparked widespread criticism and opposition from various quarters, particularly among political leaders.

The move, aimed at raising salaries amidst ongoing economic challenges, has been met with staunch disapproval.

Lang’ata Member of Parliament, Felix Odouri, popularly known as Jalang’o, was vocal in his rejection of the proposal, labeling it as inappropriate given the current national crisis. “We are in a crisis and the SRC is proposing an increment of 14K. Do they want us to be beaten up so that they can be happy?” questioned Jalang’o, reflecting the frustration echoed by many.

Siaya Governor James Orengo echoed similar sentiments, describing the salary increment as unwarranted amidst the numerous challenges facing Kenya. “The move to increase salaries for state officials is unwanted at this time,” Governor Orengo asserted, aligning with public sentiment that prioritizes fiscal prudence over salary hikes.

Nairobi City Senator Edwin Sifuna also expressed his strong opposition, emphasizing the need for measures that alleviate rather than exacerbate the burden on taxpayers. “The SRC is proposing to add me 14K on my salary. I didn’t ask for it. I don’t need it,” said Senator Sifuna, highlighting the disconnect between public needs and official priorities.

Further dissent came from the Member of Parliament for Aldai constituency, who argued that the current economic climate necessitates discussions on salary reductions rather than increases. “Given the state of affairs, this is not the right time to prioritize any salary hike for public officials. If anything, we should have a discussion on salary reduction,” stated the Aldai legislature, reflecting the prevailing sentiment among his constituents.

The SRC’s proposal has therefore not only triggered public outcry but has also intensified pressure on political leaders to prioritize economic prudence and accountability. With corruption and mismanagement of public funds continuing to fuel public discontent, the call for responsible governance resonates strongly among Kenyans.

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