Ainabkoi MP William Chepkut in Trouble as Wife Seeks Divorce


Ainabkoi Member of Parliament William Chepkut and his wife, Milcah Samoei are embroiled in a bitter divorce case.

The two continue to trade bitter accusations as their union risks discontinuation.

Milcah Samoei filed a divorce suit at the Eldoret Chief Magistrate’s one year ago, Case Number E068 of 2021.

The mother of two in her submissions cites adultery, desertion and negligence of parental responsibilities as the reasons for seeking dissolution of the marriage.

Milcah told the court that indeed, Chepkut had failed to pay school fees for their two children.

Milcah Samoei and Hon. Chepkut have been in a union for 24 years having officially married in April 25, 1998.

In court papers seen by this writer, the petitioner (Milcah Samoei) told the court that she was in a happy marriage until Chepkut became cruel, abusive and denied her conjugal rights as he went further to become adulterous with several women.

“On several other occasions, the respondent has admitted to having affairs with other women unknown to the petitioner,” she said in her suit papers.

In the petition, Milcah says that their union has been dead and efforts to make the marriage work have bore no fruits.

“The Marriage has broken down and cannot be salvaged at all,” she says in her divorce petition.

“All efforts to reconcile have flatly failed as Chepkut appears to have moved on from the petitioner,” Milcah further said in her petition.

Besides cruelty and adultery allegations, Milcah claims, in the suit, that Chepkut was violent and abusive towards her and her children.

The divorce petition further accuses the current lawmaker of selling their property without her consent.

Chepkut while replying to the petition accused Milcah of various issues including infidelity with several men.

“The petitioner has been involved in adulterous relations with men known to herself” Chepkut argued in a sworn dated 14th March 2022 before commissioner of oaths Cynthia Sakami.

Apart from infidelity, Chepkut further accuses Milcah of cruelty, saying: “the petitioner has constantly caused physical, emotional and psychological torture on the respondent in an unprecedented measure of cruelty on a spouse”.

The hearing on the case continues on 1st September, 2022.

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