Having a child with the right person is more important than having a child before you’re 30
Having a child with the right person is more important than having a child before you’re 30.
Don’t allow people to put on you a false alarm and urgency just because they can’t seem to figure you out.
You know very well getting a child will take your life in an entirely different direction and it’s not just an event as they make it sound. People will always feel uncomfortable when you don’t take the path they expected.
Your job was never to live the life they expected but the life you’re contented with. Being at peace is more important than being understood. Even if it’s your parent, remember you’re no longer a child now to just take instructions from anyone. You’re an entity by yourself and you will shoulder the results of your decisions on your own.
You must learn to remain outwardly polite but inwardly firm and not easily fazed.