Kenya Labor Migrant Workers Center to be Launched Soon
Kenyans seeking employment opportunities locally and overseas have something to smile about after the National Environment Authority (NEA) in conjunction with the fairway project of the International Labor Organization held a stakeholders meeting in preparation to launching the Kenya Labor Migrant Workers Center.
The center will be set at the National Environment Authority’s offices at the District Commissioner’s offices in Eldoret town.
“Today in Eldoret National Environment Authority (NEA) in conjunction with the Fairway project of the International Labor Organization (ILO) had a stakeholders meeting in preparation to launching the Kenya Labor Migrant Workers Centre, a center that is going to be set up in the NEA offices in Eldoret town, to assist those who want to migrate and those who are returning to Kenya.” Said Caleb Okello, Acting Director of corporate services.
With many cases of labor migration being witnessed in the country recently, the Kenya Labor Migrant Workers Center will provide interested individuals with the necessary information they need before and after migration to ensure their safe reintegration into the country while also getting the necessary aid they need as they depart the country.
“It will assist those who are migrating by giving them information on the process, the pathways to migrate to, what is required, and what to do and not to do as they prepare to migrate. It will also assist those who are coming back to reintegrate into society by giving them information on financial literacy, where they can use the skills acquired in their occupations and those needing psycho-social assistance will also be guided to providers of such services.” Added Caleb Okello.
Kenyans seeking to join the workforce abroad have been asked to be positive and optimistic about the future of the employment sector overseas as the few distress cases should not deter those seeking these opportunities but they should seek the right information before they leave the country.
“The future is positive. If you compare the cases that we receive and the number of Kenyans working outside Kenya
then you realize the cases are few. The cases are there maybe because somebody might have skipped a process in the migration cycle, maybe the person never got enough information, the person was really not aware of the contract that they got into and when they got the other countries, mostly the gulf countries they find that what they were expecting is not what they got so somehow this brought conflict with their employers and other institution but Kenyans should not be worried as there are so many good employers out there, it is only for us to do the right thing and get the right information before you leave and when you get there you let our embassies know that you are in that country so that when you need any assistance you can easily be reached and they should make sure they use only registered private employment agencies to assist them in their migration for if they go through brokers, at the hour of need they will desert them.” Noted Mr. Okello.