The Silent Cry; Natali, a Hearing Impairment Lady Narrates Her Story


Seniors woman hearing loss , Hard of hearing

Seniors woman hearing loss , Hard of hearing

“Having unplanned abortion and being misused by my uncle. My uncle took an advantage because I could not communicate to my mother.”Natali laments. The young girl,14,the only child to her mother explains the challenges she has undergone in her life because of her situation. Natali narrates how she inwardly suffered since her mom was not in a position of understanding and interpreting sign language.

Natali stays a throne stone from where I live with her mom after her father left when she was young because she could not respond to any sound. Even after being diagnosed of hearing problem at six months, her mother could not afford the hospital bills. Since she was owning a small kiosk which could not meet even a quarter of the bills, she had to accept that her daughter is deaf and let her live.

As usual I took a walk in the streets late in the evening to ease my mind from the day’s duties. I began noticing that the girl was always alone on the path from school. This was abnormal because on daily occasions she could walk along her friends.

A fortnight later ,I again met the girl alone late in the evening, she was walking slowly when other pupils were far infront and others far behind her. This triggered my mind, I had to survey what my younger neighbor was passing through.

Natali could make use of gestures and express herself through sign language which could be understood by those people who are in a position of interpreting Kenya sign language.I had to involve her in deep conversation for her to be able to disclose the untold story which was stressing the girl.”Hello,how are you doing Natali?” I signed.

She responded with tears down her cheeks,I could easily guess the girl was in pain.There was a hidden meaning of the tears of sorrow.I took the girl to my room for her to explain what was giving her nightmares.

“Take it easy, “I signed. She responded “okay”. Afterwards ,I encouraged the girl to take a deep breath and take a cup of coffee with me. While having the coffee,I asked her if she could mind telling me what was wrong.Natali was silent, she engaged in deep thought with her eyes directly to mine.I was hoping that the silence comes to a word.It was a constructive silence,constructing speech from scars.
Natali’s narration
Natali narrates her ordeal in anguish and pain.”Late last year,my uncle visited us from the city.Fortunately,he could sign,lip read, finger spell and communicate through body movements to express a meaning.He was the link between me and my mom in our home.We could communicate effectively in our house which was amazing to me.Whenever I was from school,he could buy me biscuits, chocolates and give me a lot of of money for my tomorrow’s lunch.He could also help me do my assignments.Usually, when I was from school I could find my uncle in the house while mom is always in the kiosk.We could tell stories with my uncle until the moment my mom would be back.

On Monday, November 15th 2021,I was surprised to find my uncle in my mom’s room.This was too strange.This was where I used to change my uniforms from school,and so I asked him to excuse me.However,the response was grabbing to the bed and raping me.I lost trust in him.I could not believe what he has done to me.After a few minutes, my mom was back and found me in the bedroom in a duvet and bleeding.My mom quickly got me a sanitary towel as she thought I was on my periods.My mom was in darkness,who was going to enlighten her?

It became a trend when I was from school,he could repeatedly harass me.He threatened to kill me if I tell anybody what was going on.Days past,I was feeling some changes in my body , morning sickness began.I was pregnant.I was one month from the first intercourse and it was unbearable.At school my classmates began distancing themselves with me.I could not drop out of school,I had to find a way of terminating the pregnancy.

During weekends,I took a walk to Rongo town to consult a pharmacist if I could carry out abortion.I had a lot of money by then,I was in a position of purchasing the pills for my abortion.My only worry was where and when to carry out the act.On Monday ,I went to school a bit earlier than usual.I was the first one in the school,I thought wise to take the pills as directed by the pharmacist before my classmates join me.There after,I began feeling some severe pain,I was profoundly bleeding and became unconscious.I later found myself laid in hospital with my mom and some of my teachers.After a while,I was back to my senses though in much pain,I explained to the doctor and the teachers what has happened.When my mom had the story from my class teacher ,she was bitter and ran mad to the house to chase my uncle.

After my recovery from hospital,I went back to school.Everything changed, my school mates further distanced themselves with me.My deskmate left me alone as she claimed she could not sit next to “blood”.It was very challenging coping with the stigmatization in the school.I sometimes skip lunch because of the stories.To make it worst,I never played or walk with anybody but instead do everything on my own.”
A post interview with Natali after her narration

I later asked her the challenges she has undergone as a person with hearing loss.She explained that operating in the darkness is quite challenging since she could not finger spell in the absence of light.Besides, getting an hearing aid is a problem because they are expensive.Apart from that,Natali has enjoyed privileges such as discounted bus travel.In addition ,she has gotten help to cover cost of her studies.
Natali’s mother addresses parents with deaf children
Joyce Anyango,32 ,Natali’s mother gives advise to those parents leaving with children with hearing loss.”The parents should learn about the Kenya sign language to help them communicate with their children effectively.This can be achieved by joining support groups to be able to learn and master the Kenya Sign language.When we know how to communicate with our children,they will not suffer and die silently instead of speaking out what could be avoided.

An audiologist explanation on Hearing loss

Vincent Omollo,25 , audiologist explains that hearing loss is treated with hearing aid.Speaking from his home chemist,he says that when diogonised at early age,six months of age,it may result to better speech and language outcomes than when treated later.He added that every child with hearing loss deserves a hearing aid to boost their hearing as this is treatment.
“When you realize your child is not reacting to loud sounds,he may be having a hearing loss.At times when a child’s ear is missing or malformed at birth,the child may have a problem in hearing,Omollo says.”

The desperate Fumy

According to Sullivan,P.M,Vernam,M &Scanlan,L.”Sexual Abuse of Deaf Youth,”American Annals of the Deaf,1987.It is estimated that fifty percent of Deaf Community has been sexually harassed and abused as children being in the lead.For instance,Fumy,17, was staying in his uncle’s house when her uncle accused her of stealing his phone.His uncle then became wild and raped her when his wife was away.The uncle went ahead of terminating the pregnancy and chasing her out of his house.The desperate girl then proceed to stay in the streets after becoming lonely.
“My uncle harassed me in his own house.I had nowhere to live since all my parents were dead and so situations forced me to live in my uncle’s home.This was like a home to me.He was like a father to me.I treasured him so much,I could tell him all my secrets.However, life turned against me.I decided to proceed to the streets ,it was better to stay with strangers than staying with betrayers.”

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