My wife Anne who tried to run away with our children finally came back


In 2014 while at college I started to date at fouurth year beautiful lady by the name Anne
with whom we finished studies together.

Unfortunately, between the two of us (me and my wife), no one was lucky enough to
secure any employment. Life was too challenging but I had just to continue fighting on until some change could
come our way.

Dissolutioned and frustrated, I was forced to seek for an assistance from my friends
who had earlier found good paying employment.

Jacob was the first to cross my mind even though we had not spoken with him for a
longer time, but as you know, difficult moments requires difficult decisions. He was lucky
to get a well-paying job in the city which enabled him built his home for his young and
healthy family. We could envy him most of the time.

I called him requesting to pay him a visit in Nairobi. He is such a good man who allowed
me to travel to his place. Luckily, he secured for me a job somewhere at Upper Hill
where I worked for only two month before the company was sold out and we were laid
off. I found myself without a job again.

I went doing menial jobs around the city at least to keep me busy including Mjengo
along Ngong Road but nothing was forthcoming. I returned in the rural where I found my
wife already packed and left. Life had forced her to the unthinkable.

Jacob on finding out that I was going through another hell of loneliness, he decided to
leak to me some sensitive information about how he made it in life. That he had to first
seek the assistance of Doctor Mugwenu whom he had heard about before; that he (the
doctor) was able to turn around his and other people’s lives through a process called
spell casting services.

He encouraged me to call the traditional medical doctor and strike an appointment with
him. When I called the number, the true caller indicated the name Mugwenu Doctors
who gave me a Saturday appointment.
“You are rich, don’t worry young man. Believe in what I am telling you young man and it
will come to pass,” said Dr. Mugwenu as he performed some exercises on my forehead.
Two days after leaving his place, surprisingly, someone called me asking if I could work
for him in his newly launched city firm. The starting salary was sh 75,000. Oooh! What a
reliable Doctor.

Mugwenu (the medicine man) has also established himself as unchallenged guru in re-uniting
divorced or separated lovers. He has medicine and spells that can also influence job
promotions, spin court cases and cushion homes from any spiritual and physical harm.
Email Dr Mugwenu at To book an appointment or for
more information, call Dr. Mugwenu on +254 740 637 248 or

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