Mohammad Adil Abdool Competes to hold the Guinness World Record for the Most Burpees in 12 Hours (Male)

 Extreme fitness athlete and health coach Mohammad Adil Abdool will on the 31 st of July 2021 attempt to officially break the Guinness 12-hours Burpees World Record. The event will be held at the Nairobi Street Kitchen, Westlands. He will start at 6 am and finish it by 6 pm.
Adil will have the opportunity to join an elite handful of Kenyans, mostly top athletes, that are currently listed on the Guinness World Records Book when he breaks this record. Kenya has been able to achieve 18 World records with the majority of them being runners. The current holder of the most burpees within 12 hours male is an American software engineer and fitness instructor Michael Aliotti who did 7,295 burpees within the 12 hours. His goal is to reach 8,000 burpees which will have surpassed the current holder and ensure he gets the title.
An all-around competitive athlete, Adil’s competitive streak started when he was young. At age 9, he competed against the Junior World Champion in Dubai where he drew in the match. He also fought and was undefeated in 9 amateur Mixed Martial Arts cage fights and has been part of the Kenyan under-21 Football team.
Adil was born with a severe lung infection that led to him being a chronic asthmatic for a large part of his life. Through dedication to consistent fitness and nutrition routines, he managed to disparage asthma from his body and became quite fit in the process.
Adil notes, “Born weak to breaking one of the toughest fitness world records that exist; will show people that through hard work and perseverance, nothing is impossible.”
He continues, “We all need to condition our bodies and minds to achieve our greatness. We either break and crumble in the face of difficulty or rise and overcome. The choice is ours to make as we all hold the power.”
As an adrenaline junkie, this will not be his last challenge. He plans to pull a 4×4 car from one end of Mauritius Island to the other but also has plans of swimming from one channel to another. Adil wants to show the world that you can achieve your goals regardless of the obstacles.
For Adil to be acknowledged by the Guinness World Record team as the new record holder, he will have
1. Have cameras record the whole process.
2. 2 certified trainers to be monitoring him throughout the 12 hours
3. Content from online verified sources to confirm the achieved the accolade.
From the proceeds of the event, he will also want to raise awareness of Cancer. His mother went through cancer and wants to help Faraja Cancer Centre for the support they give cancer patients.
It will be at the Nairobi Street Kitchen on Saturday 31st July from 6 am to 6 pm. It will be open to the public to see him bring another milestone to Kenya.
From the proceeds of the event, he will also want to raise awareness of Cancer. His mother went through
cancer and wants to help Faraja Cancer Centre for the support they give cancer patients.
It will be at the Nairobi Street Kitchen on Saturday 31st July from 6 am to 6 pm. It will be open to the
public to see him bring another milestone to Kenya.
About Mohammad Adil Abdool.
Adil is a Mauritian born, Kenyan built athlete. He erased chronic asthma from his body through dedication to fitness and nutrition, which led him to become a health coach with the main aim of strengthening people’s minds. Adil has a Bachelor’s in Environmental Social Science from the University of Kent, and an MBA in Marketing from the University of Sunderland, both in the UK.
 He has always had a competitive streak. Some of his accomplishments include; undefeated in 9 amateur mixed martial arts
fights, being selected to play for the U21 Kenyan football team, and at the age of 9, drew with the junior
world chess champion (who was 27 at the time) in a game in Dubai.
About the Guinness World Record
GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS (GWR) is the universally recognized global authority on record-breaking
achievement. First published in 1955, the annual GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS book has gone on to
become one of the biggest-selling copyright titles of all time, selling over 2.7 million copies a year.
Since its launch nearly 60 years ago over 130 million copies – including 400,000 e-books – have been sold in 20
languages, in more than 100 countries. The internationally renowned brand is also available across
several platforms; GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS global television shows are watched by 750 million
viewers annually, over 420,000 subscribe to the GWR YouTube channel, the global website receives 12
million viewers annually and the brand has 2 million fans on Facebook. In 2013, OFFICIALLY AMAZING
became the registered trademark of Guinness World Records Limited.

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