I was forced to watch group sex every Saturday-househelp reveals a cruel experience at hands of her employer



A social media user and a house help has left many people shocked as she lamented how she had been going through hell in hands of her toxic employer. She said that the unbearable working conditions have also subjected her to some mental health challenges.


“Working as a house girl has never been easy. It is the most challenging job and can really mess up your mental health. Because we have bills to pay, always struggling with the job,” she said.


She said she had been praying to God to give her a decent job something that she would enjoy since being a maid was not a good job.
She said it was hard for her employer to pay her salary on time.


“I did not have off day; I was not allowed to look at her directly and forced to speak in English all the time. She was always on blogs and having scandals,” she said.


At some point she would be subjected to some kind of harassments she called as excess brutality. At some point her boss would come home with her male friends and they would have sex in her presence as she would tell her to watch.


She would even tell her to clean the mess after they had some sex and she would collect used condoms, lubricants and all kinds of sex toys. She had passion of the job but her boss treatment was slowly making her to change her mind of the job. She had no other job to do plus keeping in mind she was an orphan, which was the only job she would survive on. Things were not going well as she expected from her boss.


She had to leave the work and stated her own life.She had save a little money from the toxic job and so she rented her own house. After sometimes she came through this man Dr Mugwenu a traditional doctor. Dr Mugwenu casted some job spells to her since she had been yearning to get a far much better job.


After a week she got a job offer after she had been into an interview. She passed the interview and now worked as a secretary to a certain firm in Nairobi.


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